Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September trip to San Antonio

Got our fix of grandbaby #2 Ruben, last weekend when we all descended on San Antonio for my mother and brother-in-laws birthday's. I won't spend too much time talking -- just let you take a look at this new little critter. He is sooooo huggable. And he smiles and laughs and sleeps and crys and poops and pees and alllllllllll that baby stuff. Just over 4 months old.

Too cute. Huggable to the max. Beeeeeautiful baby.

Sleeping away .... shhhhhh, all swaddled up so he doesn't wake himself up !

Eric and Hollye feeding Ruben some lunch or breakfast, or whatever

Just learning to eat some solids, a little at a time. Likes it alot.
Uh oh, following in Daddy Eric's footsteps

SOUND ASLEEP ------ aaaaaah ----saved the best for last !!!!