Thursday, February 28, 2008

Austin Diaries, Part 2

OK - so it's been a long long while since my last blog. Just trying to balance everything . Our recent family trip to Austin made for a full, happy weekend. Moving, Birthdays, Cedar Allergies, LaMadeleine (twice !!), BBQ, Lake, Traffic Violation ( I am not naming names ... it was a bad rap ), Rain, Cold, Cleaning, Wii and more Wii sort of like Wii Wii, Homemade IceCream, Baby Belly kicks, Knock Knock jokes.

First off, you gotta know, we felt like the Beverly Hillbillies travelling. Dan, David, Tristan and I were crammed into the yukon with a bunch of donated baby stuff from Paula and 2 twin latex mattresses with not much room to spare for us to fit ourselves. In spite of that, David drove us in the stormy rain and we all laughed like there was no tommorrow as we told KNOCK KNOCK jokes for over an hour. We got pretty desperate with them the longer they went on.....

Dan and I and Tristan took turns laying on top of the mattresses in the back. Now THAT is the way to travel. What fun. Food on the go was the standard for the weekend, as we helped Eric and Hollye finish moving some of their final things from point A to point B . Ask Tristan what is more fun than moving and I GUARANTEE he will say 'ANYTHING'..... On Sunday before we left to head back to Houston we went for a quick outdoor BBQ meal and then a quick drive down to one of the parks on the lake. Here are a few shots from that weekend.

Tristan looks like he just came up with
the next best joke to get Tio Eric

Are they comparing bellies ????

If they were, I guess it had a happy ending
cuz they are a Happy Couple - love them

My testosterone supply

my token 'wildlife' photo ( if you don't count Tristan ) hee hee

Houston bound
The end. Stay tuned for more chapters.


Karelle Photography said...

Sounds like you had a reallllly fun time!

Anonymous said...

Susan, glad you had a good time. Inquiring minds want to know more about that 'traffic violation'. Keep the stories coming.


Unknown said...

That me! I'm famous.